Make a Gift to Linguistics

The UCSB Linguistics Department is highlighting two funds that provide crucial support in our educational and research activities:

The Wallace Chafe and Marianne Mithun Fund for Research on Understudied Languages was established by Wallace Chafe and Marianne Mithun to recognize the UCSB Linguistic Department's commitment to the study of understudied languages and the essential contributions of graduate students toward this goal. Your gift to this fund provides support for graduate students to cover expenses associated with language documentation projects throughout the world.

The Department of Linguistics Fund provides flexible support for a number of research and educational activities including the following:

* Undergraduate and graduate student research projects

* Opportunities for students to participate in national and international research conferences and institutes

* Distinguished invited speakers for the UCSB Linguistics Colloquium

* Outreach to schools to increase awareness of language and linguistics

We appreciate gifts in all amounts from alumni, parents and friends. A wide range of giving opportunities is available for those who wish to be a vital part of the Department's future. For more information about supporting the Department of Linguistics, please contact:

Julie Karbula, Senior Director of Development 805-893-2190

We invite you to be a part of UCSB Linguistics as we develop the next generation of leaders!

If you are having problems with this page and/or can't find the fund/area to which you wish to give please call (805) 893-2112 for personal assistance, or e-mail

Choose a Linguistics gift fund of interest:
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Choose fund allocation for your $0 donation:
The Chafe and Mithun Fund for Research on Understudied Languages
The Chafe and Mithun Fund for Research on Understudied Languages
Please select a donation amount ($25 minimum, $10,000 maximum):
$ 10,000
$ 5,000
$ 2,500
$ 1,000 Chancellor's Council ($1,000 and over)
$ 500
$ 100
$ * Other amount
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