Giving to the Sciences

Our alumni and friends provide essential support for the Division of Mathematical, Life, and Physical Sciences (Division of Science) teaching programs and research enterprise.   The Division is home to world-renowned scientists and researchers, including four Nobel Prize winners (two in physics and two in chemistry). The Division's ten academic departments and four interdepartmental programs offer 28 undergraduate and 17 graduate degrees in disciplines ranging from environmental studies to molecular biology. In addition, innovative courses of study build on UC Santa Barbara's strengths in interdisciplinary work.

Our goal is to prepare students for the workforce of the 21st century; to nurture leaders and create new knowledge and solutions that positively impact society, with special focus on health and the environment.  By investing in the Division of Science, you are providing direct support for research and instruction which are at the core of our mission.  You may designate your unrestricted gift below to either the Division of Science or one of its associated Departments and Centers.

Our Division's pioneering history and continued success is made possible by the generosity of these annual unrestricted gifts. Please join us as we educate our students to become leaders and seek solutions through innovative research. Please make your annual gift to the Division of Science today- every dollar makes a difference.

Please choose your gift designation from the dropdown menu below.

For more information about supporting the UC Santa Barbara Division of Science, please contact Beth Ptalis Hough at or 805-893-5198.

If you are having problems with this page and/or can't find the fund/area to which you wish to give please call (805) 893-2112 for personal assistance, or e-mail

Choose specific Math, Life, and Physical Science gift fund of interest:
Yes No
Please Choose a Region:

Choose fund allocation for your $0 donation:
Fund for Advancing the Sciences
Discretionary funds directed by the Dean of MLPS to most pressing needs in the sciences
Biomolecular Science and Engineering
Provides graduate student fellowship support for students enrolled in the interdepartmental graduate program.
Center for Complex and Nonlinear Science
Center for Complex and Nonlinear Science
Earth Science
Provides current use/flexible support for the greatest need of the department; directed towards student support, teaching and lab facilities, academic programs, and/or research.
Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
Provides current use/flexible support for the greatest need of the department; directed towards student support, teaching and lab facilities, academic programs, and/or research.
Environmental Studies Program
Provides current use/flexible support for the greatest need of the department; directed towards student support, teaching and lab facilities, academic programs, and/or research.
Provides current use/flexible support for the greatest need of the department; directed towards student support, teaching and lab facilities, academic programs, and/or research.
Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Marine Science
Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Marine Science
Lucas Ransom Memorial Scholarship
Lucas Ransom Memorial Scholarship
Provides current use/flexible support for the greatest need of the department; directed towards student support, teaching and lab facilities, academic programs, and/or research.
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Provides current use/flexible support for the greatest need of the department; directed towards student support, teaching and lab facilities, academic programs, and/or research.
Neuroscience Research Institute
Provides current use/flexible support for the greatest need of the department; directed towards student support, teaching and lab facilities, academic programs, and/or research.
Provides current use/flexible support for the greatest need of the department; directed towards student support, teaching and lab facilities, academic programs, and/or research.
Psychological & Brain Sciences
This gift fund provides unrestricted funds to the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences to support our goal of promoting and achieving excellence in research and education.
Speech and Hearing Sciences
Provides current use/flexible support for the greatest need of the department; directed towards student support, teaching and lab facilities, academic programs, and/or research.
Statistics and Applied Probability
Provides current use/flexible support for the greatest need of the department; directed towards student support, teaching and lab facilities, academic programs, and/or research.
(or) Navigate to donate to a specific department/program/initiative in the Sciences:
Please select a donation amount ($25 minimum, $10,000 maximum):
$ 10,000
$ 5,000
$ 1,000 Chancellor's Council ($1.000 and over)
$ 500
$ 100
$ 50
$ * Other amount
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